There is an incresing number of Spanish cases in which restaurants are found liable by the Courts because of serving unsafe food. When a person becomes ill after ingesting contaminated food, he/she can be compensated for the damage. In some cases victims also receive a compensation for mental distress, particularly when foodborne illness occurs in a wedding banquet (e.g SAP Asturias, 14-10-2004, Sección 7ª, AC 20042040; SAP Álava, 14-5-2004, Sección 2ª, JUR 2004279526; SAP Granada, 2-2-2004, Sección 4ª, JUR 2004102397; SAP Burgos, 8-7-2003, Sección 2ª, JUR 200446581; SAP Salamanca, 19-6-2002 Sección Única, JUR 2002193204; SAP Murcia, 4ª 2-11-2001, JUR 200240201; SAP Las Palmas, 9-7-2001, Sección 3ª, JUR 200229831; SAP Burgos, 29-3-2001, Sección 2ª, JUR 2001141464)
(Originally posted by Josep M. Bech Serrat)
(Originally posted by Josep M. Bech Serrat)