Wednesday, February 02, 2000

Radical Reform of EU Institutions & Procedures

The EC Commission has prepared a paper on radical reform for the Inter-Governmental Conference in February. This is needed if the enlargement proposals are to work. It proposes a maximum of 20 Commissioners nominated in rotation by Member States. It also recommends that the existing 700 limit be maintained for membership of the European Parliament and the use of Qualified Majority Voting as the norm for Council meetings. Further details are available at

(Originally posted by John Downes)

IATA Criticise Europan Transport Ministers Meeting Re the Air Traffic Management System

IATA stated that, though the Meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the 38 ECAC States in Brussells was helpful its outcome was inadequate. There is need for more action to reduce delays and to build a safe, efficient and cost- effective ATM system. IATA supports EC membership of EUROCONTROL. It also supports the EC Commission's decision to form a high level group to build a Single European Sky. It calls for strengthened capacity planning by EUROCONTROL and has criticised the capacity targets set for summer 2000 and 2001.

(Originally posted by John Downes)

World: Tourism Sector Growth

The tourism sector is recovering from the doldrums brought about by the Asian economic crisis. The WTO's preliminary figures show international tourist arrivals in 1999 at 665-670 million, a growth of 4-5%. There has been robust growth in the European outbound travel to other European destinations, North America, North Africa and Asia. The Asian outbound market is also recovering. Tunisia and Morocco have both experienced growth rates of 12%, Southern France 10% and Spain 9%. The Latin American outbound market remains in the doldrums, however.

(Originally posted by John Downes)